4 minute read

Fraud losses are expected to surpass $362 billion globally.1 With fraudulent activities and cybercrimes up year over year, there’s no better time to get serious about protecting your business from fraud. And there’s no better place to start than here. Download our fraud infographic.

Protect your business: 10 tips to fight fraud; 1-Start with the right POS, one with security built in; 2-Restrict user access on POS devices; 3-Don't leave POS devices unattended; 4-Use strong passwords, and change them often; 5-Don't skip software updates; 6-Upgrade POS devices regularly; 7-Use strong card authentication protocols; 8-Stay alert, review your statements frequently; 9-Keep your return policy simple; 10-Educate your team

Don’t fall victim to fraud. Talk with our experts today about protecting your business—and your customers. Or visit Payments in Focus to get more tips and best practices to fight fraud.

Download infographic


  1. Juniper Research. Online Payment Fraud: Market Forecasts, Emerging Threats & Segment Analysis 2023-28.
  2. PCI Security Standards Council. Approved PTS Devices.
  3. VISA. New & Improved 3D Secure.

This information is not a complete list of a merchant's obligations with respect to reducing fraud risk. Refer to the details in the Global Payments merchant contract and the rules/regulations.