4 minute read


Local payment methods guide

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 4 minute read

Your guide to increasing sales with effective ecommerce payments

Today’s shoppers expect to pay whenever and however they want. And if you run a global business—or plan to expand your market in the future—you’ll need a payment strategy that can flex across borders.

That’s because the major card brands only have a market share of around 23% worldwide. That means nearly three-fourths of all consumer transactions are paid via bank transfers, digital wallets and cash-based payments. Does your business have a payment partner who can accept local payment methods in regional markets across the world? If not, you should.

Attract more customers—around the world

By adopting the payment methods that your customers prefer, your business can have a targeted payment strategy that meets customer payment preferences—and creates many benefits for your business.

Download our ebook, How local payment methods help businesses capture more market opportunity, to learn more about these benefits—and to get a complete market guide to the payment methods your customers prefer across the globe.

Download the ebook